Welcome to ALIVE!

Here we aim to create a community that thrives in Christ

ALIVE (Always Living in View of Eternity) is the fellowship of middle school students. The motto in the fellowship name has been long-standing and was formulated many years ago. It’s more of a vision for everyone to strive toward, rather than something we claim to have perfectly in the present. The fellowship has gathered on Friday nights, with a lot more input from many of the 8th grade coordinators in recent months. One event was hosted by them which involved playing board games with the fellowship as a whole and tracking points with M&M’s. The night was a blast and really helped many students bond with each other, who might not normally talk at all. Middle school is a difficult time for many students. It’s still very formative toward faith. The hope in fellowship is for students to have both peers and mentors, someone they can count on to listen whenever they have anything to share. Even though middle school is marked by a lot of challenges in school and with parents, the hope is that church can be the bridge, to bring some peace among those aspects of middle school life. Striving to have good relationships at school and at home comes from that spiritual perspective, that Jesus is the one who brings peace, who provides that view of eternity.